Powermanagement - next steps

Due to the ongoing discussions in regard to power management in userspace,
I've prepared some ideas and concepts which could be the next steps
regarding power management for linux in general and for us.

I will describe some details and will try to summarize the past
development and efforts we have made a little bit. So please excuse that
this mail will be a little bit more detailed, but it has huge impact on
the work we've done the past years regarding power management.

To summarize our efforts during the last month, we tried very hard to make
powersave distribution independent, opened up the development, we were
building packages for various distributions and added support for some
functionalities (e.g. suspend2) which are out there but did not affect us
directly. We got patches from the community, people decided to package it
for their preferred distribution, created wiki pages and so forth. So we
are still on the right way in regard to that IMO.

We also tried to work together with some HAL and gnome-power-manager
developers, but they have completely different opinions about how things
should be done and should work in regard to power management. The
gnome-power-manager approach uses HAL as the only power management backend
and thus lacks some features we are providing. On the other hand, more and
more power management functionality is put into HAL just because of this
missing functionality IMHO.

With our current solution, although we have a lot of success in
distributing powersave and more and more distributions (about 10, but
mostly small ones) are using it, we are running into a blind alley. I like
to explicitely emphasize that I still think that the current solution we
have, an independent and cross-desktop power management daemon similar to
the NetworkManager appoach, is the better solution. I think that the
powersave daemon with its DBus interface is a stable working, all in all
solution that could be easily used by other applications respectively

But the other approach simply finds itself in a better position because
HAL comes along with any desktop distribution and they don't have to
advertise it to anybody. It just ships with almost all distributions these
days. If something is put into HAL, no matter if it's sensible or not from
a software designing point of view, everybody simply gets it. So it's
really hard to convince people why they should use powersave instead of
HAL/gnome-power-manager which doesn't provide all the functionality but
works. Nevertheless, I think HAL is misused for many power management
tasks these days.

So I see no possibility to enforce our solution for the future. I'm just
trying to get the best out of it to have better power management support
on linux in the end. And I would really love to see a common solution in
the end which is my most important goal. But nevertheless, I have really
mixed feelings while writing this mail.

I think the powersave daemon solution has always been "one step ahead" the
last years, but I see this advantage more and more shrinking when looking
at it from a desktop user's point of view because of other software like
gnome-power-manager and HAL.

The following is a plan we could take for the future. I'm convinced that
we don't lose any important functionality (if at all) and that it's the
only way which is feasible and helpful to not get pushed into a corner
like "everybody uses HAL, expect the powersave people, they use their own
thing for power management". These are fundamental changes for us, but
it's something which is "upstream compatible" and therefore of course
brings along some advantages.

Frontends: kpowersave - gnome-power-manager

  We currently face the problem that the two most important frontends for
  power management are following completely different concepts.
  Gnome-power-manager doesn't use any power management backend, except
  HAL. In contrast to that, kpowersave heavily depends on the powersave
  daemon which, on the other hand, makes it a lot more feature rich. But
  depending on an extra backend which isn't available on most systems is a
  hard requirement. Without powersave, kpowersave is almost useless.

  But a lot of things like adjusting the display brightness, locking the
  screen before suspending, defining battery limits or querying battery
  information can already easily be done through HAL or other available
  desktop interfaces nowadays.

  So what I would like to be done is...

    - Seperate kpowersave from powersaved. It should be useable and useful
      also without powersaved

    - Do everything which is possible via HAL, for instance:
        - Brightness
        - Battery limits and needed actions
        - screen locking on suspend

    - Best would be to get it into KDE4 by default which is a feasible
      approch IMO
         --> maybe move development tree to KDE svn
         --> create mailinglist only for kpowersave related topics

    - The Powersave daemon _may_ only _extend_ kpowersave with additional
      functionality (if any)

Powersave daemon

  Suspend to disk/ram

  Suspend to disk/ram workarounds/scripts completely go to the pm-utils
  project which was created recently:

    Easy hooks can be created to get the same functionality which we
    provide these days. I think it shouldn't be that hard to convert/merge
    our existing scripts into this new project. It's also a great
    possibility to clear out workarounds we still have but aren't needed
    anymore. It's also easy to extend pm-utils to do things which aren't
    wanted in the upstream project but are maybe needed for distributions
    or vendors.


  CPUFreq is currenlty the only very important functionality which can't
  be handled via HAL yet and should be available (at least on KDE) to the
  desktop user, so...

  I see three possibilities here:
    (1) Do CPUFreq through HAL

        I'm quite far with this solution already and will post it to the
        HAL list the next days. No concrete questions regarding this,
        please... ;-)

    (2) Daemon only for cpufreq (powerfreq), independently from
        HAL. Disadvantage is that than there is again no common solution
        and it would again only be kpowersave which uses it.

    (3) Keep it as is now

        As mentioned already, I don't think it makes much sense to keep
        that. Not because I don't think it's no good solution which we
        have currently, but we are running agains a wall with trying to
        get this as "the linux solution regarding power managent" which
        doesn't help anybody. We are simply too late in time for trying

  Powersave libraries

  We currently have a set of libraries provided for convenience which are
  used by kpowersave, wmpowersave, the powersave command line tool and
  powersave itself. As a summary, it provides the following functionality
  which is heavily used and might still be helpful in the future:

    - Interface to query HAL for information which also cares about the
      needed DBus connection
    - Easy to use functions to communicate and send DBus messages to the
      powersave daemon or using DBus in general
    - Functions for summarizing and calculating battery information
    - ...and some more
  I would split these libraries into an own package (maybe called
  powerlibs). The library can be used by any application related to power
  management and should support developers in writing new power management
  related applications.

  The daemon itself

  The daemon itself serves only as fallback when noone is logged in, when
  no clients are running and on servers. It's just another client without
  GUI. I currently don't know yet how to realize this in detail because
  the new common freedesktop interface will maybe be session based for
  each user logged in to the system. But it's surely something we can

  If CPUFreq can be handled without the powersave daemon, I can't imaging
  any features which might need a GUI and should be controllable by a
  desktop user at the moment. So anything which remains in powersaved does
  not interfere with the desktop session.

  The daemon only handles:
    - On servers, if noone is logged in or where a system policy (by any admin)
      forbids the user to make those decisions:
        - Battery limits and takes needed actions
        - sets a default cpufreq policy

    - serves for things which don't fit into another package but are
      needed for distributions (hotkeys, ATI graphics driver control,
      etc. are things which are there at the moment) ... to be evaluated

    - Harddisk settings

    - keeps its configuration files for the remaining tasks

    - handles custom acpi events

  - maybe only _extends_ clients with features, if any

  I already talked to some embedded people in the past about a plugin
  driven system solution which would also fulfill the needs of the
  embedded people. In this area, they might need more fine grained policy
  decisions which can't be and shouldn't be controlled by a desktop
  user. That's what the powersave daemon, or any other system wide power
  management daemon could serve for, doing power management tasks behind
  the back of the user that "just works" and needs no interaction. But
  that's the far future. In the first step, the powersave daemon itself
  will tremendously lose importance and functionality.

  Powersave schemes

  The existing schemes (Powersave, Performance, Acoustic, Presentation)
  could be implemented by the client, except Acoustic. If we still like to
  have an Acoustic scheme, which isn't that important IMO, we could
  abstract the harddisk settings into HAL or let kpowersave be extended by
  that feature which could be still provided by powersaved.

  There were some opinions in the past that there is no need need for the
  other schemes than Powersave (unplugged) and Performance (plugged). Some
  time ago, we talked about kpowersave being able to create and delete
  schemes in its configuration dialog. So if distributions/projects don't
  like Acoustic, Presentation or whatever, they simply don't have to ship
  these schemes in the kpowersave configuration. Other may ship them by

  Powersave command line client

  To keep up the support for non KDE/GNOME systems or where no frontend is
  available, extend the powersave command line tool to serve as a session
  daemon for caring about minimal requirements like display brightness
  and/or screenlocking (xlock). That shouldn't be that hard to accomplish,
  but also shouldn't be considered with high priority. Maybe we find
  someone using such a 'old-fashioned' windowmanager doing it for us ;-)


  - Possibility to configure and set power management policy on the

  - System policy does not interfere with desktop policy
      - e.g. no need for kpowersave to overwrite the configuration of
        powersaved which we considered as solution some time ago

  - We get kpowersave as real upstream solution for KDE and chances are
    good that every distribution will ship it alongside with their KDE

  - Does not interfere with gnome-power-manager and we get a good working
    solution for both desktops. They can independently decide which
    configuration options they want to present to the user

  - Although YaST2 is the main configuration tool on SUSE, it always was
    an obstacle for other distributions to not have a graphical
    configuration tool for powersaved. This disadvantage will vanish


  - We lose an already good working solution regarding system power
    management and KDE

  - I'm still in doubt that the way of using HAL for a lot of power
    management tasks is future proof and really works out in the long run

Comments are greatly appreciated. In the end, I like to get something
everybody is pleased with.

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