With today's political climate, it is becoming increasing difficult tofind 
winning stocks.

It's even more difficult to find that once in a blue moon company thatyou can 
get in and get a big hit with real quick.

Trump's policies are changing every day and there's no way to know whattomorrow 
brings to the markets.

That's why I am very fortunate to have stumbled upon a sure bet...

There's a small company that has just discovered a ground breakingmedicine for 

Without boring you with details, it's essentially the most effectivetreatment 
for cancer right now.

That caught the attention of the big boys and they're buying out thissmall 
company for about ten times its current market price.

This is set to occur by Friday. When the news is made public, the pricewill 
jump overnight. It's now at just around 0.20.

You do the math. Your upside is big.

The symbol is q.s.m.g

This is what you need to use in order to get shares. Move quick beforeothers 
find out.
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