
Would you be interested in acquiring *Logistics Industry Professionals
List with Emails* in *North America, UK, Europe and Canada*?

We maintain a database of *350,000+ **Contacts of **Logistics Industry
Professionals List *with complete contact information including *Opt-Emails*
across *North America, UK, Europe and Canada.*

Ø  Guaranteed *95%* on email deliverability and* 100%* on all other

Ø  Delivered in *Excel* or *CSV format* with complete ownership rights.

Please send me your *target audience and geographical area*, so that I can
give you more information, *Counts* and *Pricing*, just for your review.

The Pricing depends on the volume of the data you acquire, *the more the
volume less will be the cost* and vice-versa.

Looking forward to hearing from you, Thanks!


*Eva Phelps*

*Online Marketing Executive*


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