Dumping intermediate results can fill up the
session, eventually causing J's session manager
to fail.

This can be simulated with a single run of a
modified version of cnv1.  With max line length
set at 256000, and max lines before and after
set to 50:

cnv1=: 3 : 0
 f=. 2^ m=. i.<.@(2&^.)&.<:y
 C=. _1 ,~ (1+m) f} y{._1 1 
 v=. i=. I. (0=}:C)*.2|i.y
 k=. 1
smoutput (;:'fm kC vi'),.(f,:m);(k,C);(v,:i)
 while. #i do.
  j=. collatzv v
  b=. 0<(j<.y){C
  p=. , f */    b#i
  q=. , m +/ k+(b#j){C 
  i=. (-.b)#i
  v=. (-.b)#j
  d=. y>p
  C=. (d#q) (d#p)}C
  k=. >:k
smoutput (;:'jb pqd iv kC'),.(j,:b);(p,q,:d);(i,:v);k,C
cnv1 1000

When this finishes, I try clearing the session
(ctrl-a delete, or some analogous sequence).  I get:

|domain error: wd
|   wdq=:    wd'q'

from select-all, and this loses control of the session



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