With regards to atl2 for etchnhalf ...

On Wed, 16 Jul 2008 05:05:38 -0600
dann frazier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  * module either adds new hardware support for etch, or achieves
>    feature parity with the etch 2.6.18 kernel. etchnhalf is
>    specifically targeted at adding hardware support, so adding things
>    like new filesystems would be out-of-scope.


>  * module must not be rc-buggy (obviously)


>  * l-m-* in testing includes this module


>  * module has been tested in etch w/ etchnhalf kernel (i.e.,
>    compatible with etch userspace)

I haven't done this, but I can't imagine there would be a problem.

>  * Available _quickly_ :) etchnhalf is scheduld to release with r4
>    which is intended to release on 2008.07.25, so I'd like to see if
>    we can get all suitable packages **uploaded by Sunday, 07.20.**

If I had help getting it ready, we might be able to manage it.

I undertook to package atl2 because I own an Eee PC and the Attansic L2
is used in this device.  Because my target for the Debian Eee PC
project has always been Lenny, I have never bothered to give Etch a

However, recently had to replace a motherboard in a hurry and
found what my local supplier was offering was this inexpensive Asus


So it would appear there are more systems coming out that would need

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