
I'm new in protobuf, and I was wondering if the following is possible. I 
have a protobuf response coming from an api that contains a list of hotels. 
If we imagine this response  in xml, it would be something as follows:
<response><hotels><hotel id="1">H1</hotel><hotel 

I need to split this into 2 pieces:
<response><hotels><hotel id="1">H1</hotel></hotels></response>
<response><hotels><hotel id="2">H2</hotel></hotels></response>

Is it possible to do this if the response is protobuf? Can I put "marks" on 
this protobuf in any way? Something like using "*" below:
<response><hotels>*<hotel id="1">H1</hotel>*<hotel 

So I can know where a hotel starts and ends just checking this mark or 
field, and then be able to substract portions of the proto byte array to 
build each piece.

What I want to avoid is to parse the proto, create a java object with the 
whole response, then split each response and convert each one into a 
protobuf again. The idea would be to get this split by only streaming the 


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