On Sat, 2002-10-19 at 19:36, Christopher A. Williams wrote:
> Just downloaded it. Installed it. Thanks!
> Installed without a hitch and worked the first time.
> ...Now if I could only find a beta copy of Dreamweaver MX (Studio MX
> would be even better!) for Linux. That would make my need for Windows
> (even in a VMware session) pretty much Zero!

Ohh yes!!
I'm _so_ happy to have flash player6 for linux!

For all our office, the only thing that stops us to migrate under linux
is the (non) availability of:
- Flash MX
- Dreamweaver MX
- Adobe After Effects

If we could do something to convince Macromedia to port his
applications, life would be wonderful :)

But I bet microslug is putting big $ for not pushing Macromedia to
develop under linux :(((

Bye all,

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