On May 24, 2010, at 3:30 AM, Jeremy Orlow wrote:

> On Sun, May 23, 2010 at 4:06 AM, Maciej Stachowiak <m...@apple.com> wrote:
> On May 22, 2010, at 3:58 AM, Jeremy Orlow wrote:
> > Even though no one is currently considering implementing this outside of 
> > JavaScript land and even though it'll limit us some and making speccing 
> > harder, I think it'd be a mistake to depend on JavaScript.  And, as far as 
> > I can tell, the whole point of WebIDL is to not depend on one single 
> > language.  And I can't think of any others that do.
> WebKit exposes Web APIs as part of the native API for embedders, this 
> includes Objective-C and GObject bindings. There have also been suggestions 
> to add bindings for languages such as Python, Java or Ruby. I think 
> interfaces for Web platform APIs should remain language-agnostic to the 
> degree possible.
> For the date issue specifically, we should consider adding a Web IDL date 
> type which could map to JavaScript Date objects and potentially native date 
> types for other languages, and something language agnostic for ether 
> languages.
> Cameron/Sam would you be willing to add something like this to WebIDL?  I 
> have no idea what the spec language would look like otherwise I'd draft up 
> some proposed text.

I am happy to add language for a Date type.


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