On Fri, 18 Apr 2008, João Rodrigues wrote:

Well, to be honest, we have already discussed that issue of the RAM and it
got nowhere... PyLucene is the *only* thing that can't use the full RAM..
I've tried hello world as you mentioned and posted my results. It works
except for pylucene.

Ohh, I remember this now. Yeah, this is getting nowhere indeed.
Ask the same question multiple times, you get the same answer :)

Jokes aside, I don't know what to tell you about the problem on Windows.

Considering that MMapDirectory, what will it save me? Can you point me a
link to it? I've searched in Lucene in Action and in the Documentation of
2.3.1 and I can't seem to find it (in the first) and understand what it is
for (in the latter).

How about trying Google ?
The third link [1] returned by this [2] refers to the info you need:

"To use this, invoke Java with the System property org.apache.lucene.FSDirectory.class set to org.apache.lucene.store.MMapDirectory. This will cause FSDirectory.getDirectory(File,boolean) to return instances of this class."

And, of course, there is [3]. Looking further down on the google matches, I found this interesting match [4] as well. Look in the second half, the forwarded message.


[1] http://markmail.org/message/tm2n6o5aacjkfuqx
[4] http://readlist.com/lists/lucene.apache.org/java-user/1/7362.html
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