Davin Potts added the comment:

Tim:  Totally agreed about threading.Thread not being a POSIX thread.  It was 
not my intent to suggest that they were equivalent -- apologies for the 

Instead I was attempting to describe a mentality of processes and their common 
behavior across multiple platforms at termination.  The behavior of child 
processes via multiprocessing currently appears to follow this common mentality 
of signal the threads then exit quickly.  (To avoid confusion, I am making an 
observation here.)

Whereas threading.Thread is attempting to provide something homogeneous across 
platforms, achieving a similar goal in multiprocessing.Process is complicated 
by the concepts of fork vs. spawn and their availability on various OSes (a 
source of real confusion for some).  This further opens the question of what 
should the mentality be for multiprocessing.Process?  The notion that a process 
can die in such a way that not all of its threads were given time to clean up 
does not strike me as a foreign concept.  The notion that a threading.Thread 
should always be (or at least be attempted to be) joined makes sense.  The 
notion of categorically refusing to let a process end perhaps overreaches in 
certain situations.

I believe the more general solution exists in offering atexit handlers on 


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