New submission from Cristi Fati:

During last years, the FIPS mode, has become more and more popular, especially 
in US (probably because it was "promoted" by government institutions).
All OpenSSL versions (didn't check 1.0.0 or lower since they're no longer 
supported), have the "basic FIPS functionality", even if built without 
openssl-fips module. By "basic FIPS functionality", I mean the 2 functions:
- `int FIPS_mode(void)` - used to get the current FIPS mode (for non FIPS 
openssl, it simply returns 0)
- `int FIPS_mode_set(int r)` - used to set the current FIPS mode in the 
currently loaded libcrypto/libeay32 (for non FIPS openssl it sets the openssl 
error: "error:0F06D065:common libcrypto routines:FIPS_mode_set:fips mode not 

The goal of this patch is to add the 2 functions in Python (3.4.4 source 
tarball) - ssl (and _ssl) module - in order to be able to control FIPS mode 
from within a Python process (I am aware that some platforms allow setting FIPS 
at a global level, but this offers more granularity).

The patch is simple, for the getter it simply returns the OpenSSL function 
value, while for the setter it doesn't return anything but throws an exception 
if some error occurs.

Note0 (about how do I set the error): 
`_setSSLError(ERR_error_string(ERR_get_error(), NULL) , 0, __FILE__, 
__LINE__);` as opposed to the regular way: `_setSSLError(NULL, 0, __FILE__, 
__LINE__);`. I didn't use the whole mechanism because:
- 1 - it binds against the OpenSSL version used at compile time
 - 1.1 - on Ux (where Python modules are dynamically linked to OpenSSL), if 
compiling against one OpenSSL version and at runtime another (newer) version 
which defines new functionality (and new error codes) is present, if one of 
those newer errors is encountered, the error message won't be as complete: 
"ssl.SSLError: fips mode already set (_ssl.c:3763)" as opposed to 
"ssl.SSLError: error:2D078072:FIPS routines:FIPS_module_mode_set:fips mode 
already set (_ssl.c:3763)"
 - 1.2 - on Win (where Python modules are statically linked to OpenSSL), there 
won't be such a problem. However, regarding static linking (this is not related 
to this post), this is not a scalable solution (now if only _ssl and _hashlib 
link to OpenSSL, it's __sort of__ OK, but if another one, or more will be added 
it won't be), so dynamic linking should be used, although that comes with its 
problems. 2 possible ways to solve them:
  - 1.2.1 - simply dynamic link to OpenSSL and at runtime it will fail 
importing the modules; this will happen a lot since (as opposed to Ux), I think 
that there's a 90%+ chance that no OpenSSL is installed on a Win machine
  - 1.2.2 - dynamic link to OpenSSL and also redistribute the OpenSSL dlls 
(although I didn't check what this would mean from licensing PoV). This would 
also raise the problem of precedence: which dlls should be used by default if 
an OpenSSL version is installed on the machine.
- 2 - It is simpler (here I might be missing something). To me it seems cleaner 
to delegate the job to (runtime) OpenSSL instead of and the 
logic from `fill_and_set_sslerror` (which could be removed in the future, I'd 

Note1: The whole thing could also be applied to hashlib (simply copy the 
changes from to - to have as less duplicate code as 
possible), but since due to hashlib caching, changing the FIPS mode on the fly 
won't be reflected in the possibility/impossibility of using a hash (e.g. 
`md5`), I figured that it doesn't worth the effort. As a workaround, for 
someone who really needs to set it, they can do it from ssl.

files: Python-3.4.4-ssl_fips.patch
keywords: patch
messages: 271006
nosy: CristiFati
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: FIPS_mode() and FIPS_mode_set() functions in Python (ssl)
type: enhancement
versions: Python 3.4
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