Steve Dower added the comment:


Could we get a doc patch into 3.6 marking this class as deprecated? It appears 
like the importlib docs are the only ones that refer to the class, and none of 
the docs describe the functionality or indicate that it is enabled by default.

I could also pitch this as a security vulnerability and push for removing the 
default .append() right now? Since we wouldn't remove the class itself, 
restoring the previous behavior just requires inserting it into meta_path 
again. And Alexey is right that it actually allows a non-admin user to shadow 
any non-builtin module.

Looking at the latest pywin32 installer, they actually *remove* the keys they 
used to add here because they cause problems. So I think we're fairly safe to 
disable the finder by default and deprecate it into the future.

nosy: +ned.deily

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