STINNER Victor added the comment:

Serhiy Storchaka: "Calling _PyStack_AsDict() with non-string or non-unique 
keywords means that the var-keyword argument was first unpacked to arrays of 
keyword names and values and then converted back to a dict. Seems something is 
done non-efficiently." (msg286159 of the issue #29360)

Python code from test_dict:



    LOAD_GLOBAL              1 (dict)
    BUILD_TUPLE              0
    LOAD_FAST                1 (invalid)
    CALL_FUNCTION_EX         1

Call stack:

* _PyEval_EvalFrameDefault()
* do_call_core()
* PyObject_Call()
* _Py_RawFastCallDict() -- conversion from dict to stack+kwnames
* type_call()
* call_init()
* _PyStack_AsDict() -- convertsion from stack+kwnames to dict

Oh right, there are two conversions using a temporary FASTCALL format for 
(keyword) arguments.

This code was not upstream yet, it comes from the pull request of this issue.

Maybe we need two flavors of type_call(): type_call(args: tuple, kwargs: tuple) 
if tp_fastinit isn't set, type_fastcall(stack, nargs, kwnames) (FASTCALL) if 
tp_fastinit is set.

But it seems that the logic should be implemented in PyObject_Call() and 
_PyObject_FastCallDict(), it cannot be implemented in type_call(), it's too 

For best performances (avoid any kind of conversion and avoid any temporary 
object), we should implement something like that.


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