STINNER Victor added the comment:

> Just hit that bug. Is this really not yet fixed in any newer version?

The bug was fixed in Python 3.6.0. It was fixed by Steve Dower in its 
implementation of the PEP 529, in the change e20c7d8a8187:

-    execv(path_char, argvlist);
+    _wexecv(path->wide, argvlist);
+    execv(path->narrow, argvlist);

I'm not sure that it's easy to backport the fix in Python 3.5.

Python 3.6 no walways use Unicode internally to call the Windows API, whereas 
Python 3.5 used bytes or Unicode depending on the arguments.

So I suggest to upgrade to Python 3.6, or use bytes in the meanwhile.

Would it be ok to close the bug?

nosy: +haypo

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