New submission from Daniel Himmelstein:

The utility of `python -m json.tool` would increase if users could specify the 
indent level.

Example use case: newlines in a JSON document are important for readability and 
the ability to open in a text editor. However, if the file is large, you can 
save space by decreasing the indent level.

I added an --indent argument to json.tool in However, design discussion is 
required since indent can take an int, string, or None. In addition, a indent 
string is a tab, which is difficult to pass via a command line argument.

Currently, I added the following function to convert the indent option to the 
indent parameter of json.dump:

def parse_indent(indent):
    """Parse the argparse indent argument."""
    if indent == 'None':
        return None
    if indent == r'\t':
        return '\t'
        return int(indent)
    except ValueError:
        return indent

@inada.naoki mentioned the special casing is undesirable. I agree, but can't 
think of an alternative. Advice appreciated.

components: IO
messages: 288479
nosy: dhimmel, inada.naoki
priority: normal
pull_requests: 230
severity: normal
status: open
title: Specifying indent in the json.tool command
type: enhancement
versions: Python 3.7

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