Yury Selivanov <yseliva...@gmail.com> added the comment:


Thanks a lot for such a detailed write-up!  I now better understand how you 
want to use the proposed API in Trio, and why the weakref approach isn't going 
to work (at least not in a straightforward way).

>> 2. What if another framework (say asyncio that you want to interoperate 
>> with) calls "sys.set_unawaited_coroutine_tracking(False)"?  

>> The API you propose has the *same* pitfall that 
>> 'sys.set_coroutine_wrapper()' has, when used by several frameworks 
>> simultaneously.

> As far as I understand you'll need to yield back to the other framework at 
> some
> point. Then it's IMHO to the author to make sure to save the state of
> `sys.collect_unawaited_coroutines()`, set
> `sys.set_unawaited_coroutine_tracking(enabled: bool)` to what the other
> framework expect, and  do the opposite when they get control back. 

Who do you refer to, when you say "author"?

In any case, in my opinion, it doesn't matter.  `sys.set_coroutine_wrapper` 
controls a single thread-local setting, `sys.set_unawaited_coroutine_tracking` 
*also* controls a single thread-local setting.  Both of them have the exact 
same problem when there's more than one user of the API.  So we can't consider 
this as a strong argument in favour of the 'set_unawaited_coroutine_tracking' 

We can fix asyncio to manage coroutine wrappers more responsively.  Right now 
it will raise an error if there's a wrapper set by another framework.  Ideally, 
event loops should get the current wrapper, set their own, and then restore the 
original wrapper when they are done.

With that all in mind, my question is: have you guys tried to write a wrapper 
object in C for coroutines (or you can use Cython to get an idea)?  You can 
have a freelist of such objects to make their instantiation super cheap.  And 
you only need to proxy the '__await__' method (tp_as_async.am_await).


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