Michael Felt <aixto...@felt.demon.nl> added the comment:

Inspired by msg211764 I made a PR - which I hope is okay to add here.

If not, a new issue and PR can be made later.

In short: 
   For address family of AF_UNIX or AF_UNIX_CCSID, getsockname() returns 0 if 
issued before a bind(). The address length is 0. This is always the case for 
sockets created by socketpair().

That is at least one possible explanation I found.

Have testewd on AIX 6.1 and AIX 7.1 - on AF_UNIX family getsockname() returns 
'None' (i.e., transport.get_extra_info('sockname') returns None)

nosy: +Michael.Felt

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