Ivan Levkivskyi <levkivs...@gmail.com> added the comment:

This is why we have 4 months of betas :-)

On one hand making objects in `typing` module not classes was intentional, but 
on another hand this use case looks totally fine.

I would say we could update the check in `functools` to accept more things. I 
am however not sure what to allow here in addition to proper classes, maybe 
just anything that overrides `__subclasscheck__` and/or `__instancecheck__`? I 
could imagine there might be some other objects that implement custom instance 
and class checks beyond `typing` that are rejected by current checks in 

As a temporary workaround you can use `collections.abc.Sequence`, this type is 
aliased by `typing.Sequence`, in fact all instance checks etc. are relayed to 
the former.

nosy: +rhettinger

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