Alexey Izbyshev <> added the comment:

Thank you for the answers, Kyle!

> I'll be preparing a patch for our posix_spawn's signal handling.


> My mistake in my setuid assessment was pointed out to me- it doesn't seem 
> like a highly likely attack vector, but it is indeed possible.

The specific scenario with non-synchronized posix_spawn/setuid is certainly not 
a good practice and could probably be considered an application bug (such 
application effectively spawns a child with "random" privileges -- depending on 
whether setuid() completed before or after vfork()).

That said, in Linux C libraries protection from that scenario is usually 
achieved automatically if all signals are blocked before vfork(). This is the 
result of a Linux-specific detail: at syscall level, setuid() affects a single 
thread only, but setuid() library function must affect the process as a whole. 
This forces C libraries to signal all threads when setuid() is called and wait 
until all threads perform setuid() syscall. This waiting can't complete until 
vfork() returns (because signals are blocked), so setuid() is effectively 
postponed. I don't know how setuid() behaves on FreeBSD (so the above may be 
not applicable at all).

> If the child errored out, they will indeed be properly reapable at that point 
> due to how vfork is implemented -- any observation to the contrary is to be 
> considered a bug.

Ah, that's good, thanks for the confirmation!


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