Barry A. Warsaw <> added the comment:

On Feb 26, 2019, at 12:52, Ionel Cristian Mărieș <> wrote:
> Something bad was installed with sudo but suddenly sudo is not acceptable for 
> debugging? This seems crazy.

Your sudo may not be my sudo. :)  Let’s say I update my Ubuntu desktop and a 
new version of package with a pth breaks.  Maybe I didn’t even know I was doing 
that, via automated updates, or management portal, etc.  Now a poor user who 
depends on this has their code break.  How do *they* debug the problem?

FWIW, `sudo pip install` should just be banned IMHO :).

> How exactly are pth files hard to debug? Are those files hard to edit? They 
> sure are, but the problem ain't the point where they are run, it's the fact 
> that a big lump of code is stuffed on a single line. Lets fix that instead!

For sure.  But here’s the thing: you need to know *which* pth file is 
problematic.  Which means you have to debug the entire startup process where 
pth files are loaded.  That means you’re not really debugging pth files 
themselves (often), but  Debugging for an installed Python is 
not trivial.  Hopefully you are at least not squeamish about editing a system 
file and breaking Python worse than the original bug. <wink>


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