Adam Olsen <> added the comment:

Converting to/from sig_atomic_t could have a compile time check on currently 
supported platforms and isn't buggy for them.  For platforms with a different 
size you could do a runtime check, only allowing a fd in the range of 0-254 
(with 255 reserved); that could sometimes fail, yes, but at least it's 
explicit, easily understood failure.  Just using int would fail in undefined 
ways down the road, likely writing to a random fd instead (corrupting whatever 
it was doing), with no way to trace it back.

Unpacking the int would mean having one sig_atomic_t for 'invalid', using that 
instead of INVALID_FD, plus an array of sig_atomic_t for the fd itself.  Every 
time you want to change the fd you first set the 'invalid' flag, then the 
individual bytes, then clear 'invalid'.


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