Jeroen Demeyer <> added the comment:

One thing that keeps bothering me when using vectorcall for type.__call__ is 
that we would have two completely independent code paths for constructing an 
object: the new one using vectorcall and the old one using tp_call, which in 
turn calls tp_new and tp_init.

In typical vectorcall usages, there is no need to support the old way any 
longer: we can set tp_call = PyVectorcall_Call and that's it. But for "type", 
we still need to support tp_new and tp_init because there may be C code out 
there that calls tp_new/tp_init directly. To give one concrete example: 
collections.defaultdict calls PyDict_Type.tp_init

One solution is to keep the old code for tp_new/tp_init. This is what Mark did 
in PR 13930. But this leads to duplication of functionality and is therefore 
error-prone (different code paths may have subtly different behaviour).

Since we don't want to break Python code calling dict.__new__ or dict.__init__, 
not implementing those is not an option. But to be compatible with the 
vectorcall signature, ideally we want to implement __init__ using 
METH_FASTCALL, so __init__ would need to be a normal method instead of a slot 
wrapper of tp_init (similar to Python classes). This would work, but it needs 
some support in typeobject.c

nosy: +jdemeyer

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