Petr Viktorin <> added the comment:

Regarding ac46eb4ad6662cf6d771b20d8963658b2186c48c:
Module states come and go with the modules that contain them; if a 
"get_global_ast_state" or "astmodulestate_global" needs to be accessed from 
outside the module, it shouldn't be module state :/


So, the main issue here is that the AST types are not used only by the _ast 
module, but by the interpreter itself: the compile() builtin and 

I see two ways of fixing this properly:

1. All the classes _ast provides should be built-in, like, say, `function`. 
(Currently, that means they should be static types; later they could be 
The _ast module should merely expose them from Python, like the `types` module 
exposes the function type.
This would mean that calling Py_CompileStringObject with PyCF_ONLY_AST will be 
independent of the _ast module.

2. The mod2obj/obj2mod functions, called by e.g. compile(..., PyCF_ONLY_AST), 
* import the _ast module
* call a Python-accessible function, e.g. _ast._mod2obj
This would mean replacing the _ast module (in sys.modules or through an import 
hook, which you can do from Python code) will affect what AST types will be 
used throughout the interpreter.

nosy: +dino.viehland, eric.snow, petr.viktorin

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