Alexey Izbyshev <> added the comment:

> I don't know what you mean by default access rights.

I meant the access rights of the handle created by _wopen(). In my PR I 
basically assume that _wopen() uses GENERIC_READ/GENERIC_WRITE access rights, 
but _wopen() doesn't have a contractual obligation to do exactly that AFAIU. 
For example, if it got some extra access rights, then my code would "drop" them 
while switching FILE_WRITE_DATA off.

> For example, if FILE_WRITE_DATA isn't granted, then open() can't open for 
> appending. A direct CreateFileW() call can remove FILE_WRITE_DATA from the 
> desired access.

Indeed, I haven't thought about it. Are you aware of a common scenario when a 
regular file allows appending but not writing?

But, at least, this is not a regression: currently open()/ can't open 
such files for appending too.

> An opener could also work like your PR via, msvcrt.get_osfhandle(), 
> _winapi.GetFileType(), _winapi.DuplicateHandle(), os.close(), and 
> msvcrt.open_osfhandle().

True, but it still falls into "etc" category of "ctypes/pywin32/etc" :) 
Certainly doable, but it seems better to have consistent O_APPEND behavior 
across platforms out-of-the-box.


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