Stefan Pochmann <> added the comment:

Yes, I'm more familiar with the issue in the context of strings or lists. Your 
example of strings like "'x' * 10_000 + str(i)" looks like something I almost 
certainly used before as counterexample to someone's time complexity claim :-)

I the context of multi-criteria sort I might not have thought of it before, I 
guess because you usually don't have many criteria. But now this made me think 
we can take even more advantage of the existing tuple_elem_compare.

I the context of multi-criteria sort I might not have thought of it before, I 
guess because you usually don't have many criteria. But now the optimized 
tuple_elem_compare makes me think we can take even more advantage of it.

I think those type-specific optimized comparison functions are what I left out 
when I previously read the sort, that's why it was new to me. I just saw you 
also use powersort's merge strategy now. Kinda sad, I had seen you lament that 
your own strategy "remains hard to grasp why it's always correct now", while I 
think it's rather straightforward and had considered adding a little 
explanation in the doc.

Bucket sort is a name I considered, but I wrote two, so named them after their 
implementation (groupsort first used itertools.groupby).


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