Giampaolo Rodola' <> added the comment:

I added some initial comments to the PR, but I'm sort of skeptical about this. 
It must be noted that:

1) very few FTP servers probably support this feature 

2) the specs are very old (RFC-959 is from 1985), and I doubt they've been 
upgraded in later RFCs. The fact that a header is sent *before every data 
block* seems inefficient (why not just send the  file size once?), probably 
more inefficient that opening a new connection each time (unless files are 
small, I suppose).

Was this tested against an actual FTP server(s)? If yes, which one(s)? IMO, it 
would be good if some actual research/testing is done first, to see how actual 
FTP server products implement this feature.

Another thing to note is that the PR supports RETR (download) only, and not 
STOR (upload). Is this on purpose or does the original RFC/spec limits this 
functionality to RETR?


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