Gabriele N Tornetta <> added the comment:

> I tend to agree with Steven and David here. You define __getattribute__ and 
> so that's the behaviour you get when an attribute of the class is requested 
> (whether by the system or by your code).

I would agree if it was obvious or explicitly stated that isinstance looks up 
__class__ using the object's __getattribute__, and thus prone to cause 
side-effects. It wasn't obvious to me that isinstance would access any 
attributes from the object, but that it would rather get the object's type in a 
more direct way (at the C level for CPython).

> Do you have a real-world example of code that is broken by this behaviour, or 
> is this just a theoretical problem?

I was looking at some profiling data for a real-life project (observability) 
that I'm working on. I was using a simple Django application as a target and 
noticed calls to a __getattribute__ (implemented by a Django class) that I 
wasn't expecting. All my code was doing was to check that a certain object was 
not of "callable" type using isinstance. Whilst I believe no side effects were 
caused by this particular instance of __getattribute__, it should be noted that 
"Django" is a variable here: any other target framework or library might have 
caused side effects in theory. The code that I want to execute must have 
guarantees of being side-effects-free, so using isinstance does not give me 
that. Currently, I have worked around this by using a custom, pure Python 
implementation of isinstance that gets __mro__  (via object.__getattribute__) 
and checks that type(obj) is an element of it (plus caching, for performance 


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