The first beta for Python 3.7 is out. It will hopefully get into Fedora soon as python37.
After it comes out of beta, we'll upgrade python3 to it.

The What's New list is at: https://docs.python.org/3.7/whatsnew/3.7.html

One thing that's interesting for packagers is PEP 552: Deterministic pycs: https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0552/

Let me summarize in my own words.

A new opt-in mode for byte-compilation makes .pyc (bytecode cache) files depend only on the contents of the corresponding source file. If we use this, it will slow down imports, because the whole source file would need to be read and hashed in order to verify if a .pyc file is valid. (Currently, metadata like the modification time and file size is used.)

To speed things up, there's an option, UNCHECKED_HASH, which skips cache validation entirely. Using this would mean that if you modify a .py source file installed by RPM, the changes wouldn't take effect (the .py contents would only be shown in tracebacks). Modifying installed files in production is extremely bad practice, of course, but it's quite useful for debugging on throw-away systems. If we adopt UNCHECKED_HASH, anyone doing it will have to remember to remove the corresponding .pyc file.

Honestly, I'm not sure we want to use this in Fedora. Is anyone here into reproducible builds, to make a better argument for this?

Petr Viktorin
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