On Fri, Jun 26, 2020 at 9:43 PM Steven D'Aprano <st...@pearwood.info> wrote:

> I dislike Strunk and White, and don't follow it myself (except by
> accident, as it were) but I've worked with neuro-atypical programmers
> who found it really useful to have a common standard that they could
> follow and reduce the uncertainty of what makes for good writing.

I agree.

I would like to reinforce that many software engineers today are _not_
native English speakers but work with English codebases and write
documentation in English.

Any standard is better than just asking for "clear and easily
understandable" and hoping that for some reason every person, no matter
where they were born and how they learned English, will share your
definition of "clear and easily understandable" by accident.
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