Bruno Desthuilliers wrote:
I think I know where the problem is: what resides in tagdata is a static method 'wrapper', not the function itself, according to:

Indeed. Sorry, I'm afraid I gave you bad advice wrt/ using a staticmethod here - I should know better :( (well, OTHO staticmethods are not something I use that often).

Do not worry the least bit! I'm testdriving on a closed circuit here for sake of becoming better 'driver', I'm not going to drive like this on the streets.

class Foo2(object):
    """ naive solution : kinda work, BUT will fail
        with the real code that has  plain functions
        in 'tagada'
    def bar(baaz):
        print baaz

    tagada = {'bar': bar}

    def test(self, baaz):

Well I could always do:

if isinstance(self.tagada['bar'], staticmethod):

But 1. this apparently defeats the purpose of using print_internal_date on instance/class in 'normal' way, and 2. I probably shouldn't be doing that since using isinstance is apparently like playing with yourself: while technically legal, people look at you weirdly. :-)

class Foo3(object):
    """ working solution 1 : defer the wrapping
        of 'bar' as a staticmethod
    def bar(baaz):
        print baaz

    tagada = {'bar': bar}

    bar = staticmethod(bar)

    def test(self, baaz):

Neat! I like this one.

class Foo4(object):
    """ working solution 2 : use a lambda """
    def bar(baaz):
        print baaz

    tagada = {'bar': lambda x :}

    def test(self, baaz):

Huh? How does this one work? After all, while in Foo4 body, the Foo4 does not exist yet? Does lambda defer evaluation to runtime (when it's executed) or smth?

""" and as a "less worse" solution """

def foo5bar(baaz):
   print baaz

class Foo5(object):
    tagada = {'bar': foo5bar}

    bar = staticmethod(foo5bar)

    def test(self, baaz):

Yes. I probably should have stayed with this one in the first place. I feel bad for using up bandwidth and people's attention with such stuff...


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