On Feb 18, 1:56 pm, "D'Arcy J.M. Cain" <da...@druid.net> wrote:
> On Thu, 18 Feb 2010 04:28:00 -0800 (PST)
> lallous <elias.bachaal...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > def make_power(n):
> >     return lambda x: x ** n
> Hint: type(make_power(2))
> Did you expect that to return "int"?

No, I expect to see a specialized function.

> > # Create a set of exponential functions
> > f = [lambda x: x ** n for n in xrange(2, 5)]
> > g = [make_power(n) for n in xrange(2, 5)]
> The result of make_power(n) is a function that raises it's argument to
> the power of n.  I don't know what you are trying to do.  Maybe this?
> g = [make_power(n)(2) for n in xrange(2, 5)]
> or
> g = [make_power(2)(n) for n in xrange(2, 5)]

What I am trying to do is generate different functions.

If you're curious, I was playing with ctypes and wanted to see how it
handles C<->Python callbacks:

CB_T = WINFUNCTYPE(c_int, c_int)
many_cb_t = CFUNCTYPE(c_int, c_int, CB_T)
many_cb   = many_cb_t(addressof(c_void_p.in_dll(dll, "many_cb")))

def make_power(n):
    return lambda x: x ** n

cbs = [CB_T(make_power(n)) for n in xrange(0, 1000)]

many_cb(3, *cbs)

And the C code in a shared lib:

int many_cb(int value, ...)
  va_list va;
  va = va_start(va, value);
  cb_t cb;
  int s = 0;
  while ( (cb = va_arg(va, cb_t)) != NULL)
    printf("calling %p", cb);
    int r = cb(value);
    s += r;
    printf(", r=%d\n", r);
  return s;

Speaking of that, anyone has an idea how to make simpler the line with

I try: many_cb = CB_T.in_dll(dll, "many_cb") <- but that seems to work
with data items only.

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