Hi Julian,

Thanks for the answer.

Le Tuesday 10 January 2012 23:56:08 Julian Taylor, vous avez écrit :
> I can't reproduce that issue.
> Which browser are you using? to my knowledge only firefox and chrome are
> properly supported.

I have the problem with both.

> what is the content of the <body> tag in the html source.
> It should be something like this:
> <body
> data-project=/home/user/notebookdir/
> data-base-project-url=/
> data-base-kernel-url=/

That's what I have. But I've found the problem. It's in line 115 of 


It is:

  attr('href', $('body').data('baseProjectURL')+notebook_id).

but it should be:

  attr('href', $('body').data('baseProjectUrl')+notebook_id).

note the lower case at the end of baseProjectUrl. Correcting this makes the 
notebook work here.



"Life, loathe it or ignore it, you can't like it."
                -- Marvin, "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy"

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