To view it online, please go here:<br /><br 
/>Dear colleagues,<br /><br />We are honored to invite you to the world 
conference on Movement: Brain, Body, Cognition to be held at the Joseph. B. 
Martin conference center of Harvard University School of Medicine, Boston, 
USA.<br /><br />The purpose of this international conference is to share 
knowledge with all those whose interests lie in the nature of human movement 
and its relation to cognitive function.<br /><br />The conference topics 
include the scientific explorations of Cognitive-Movement applications in: 
Rehabilitation, neuropsychology, sports sciences, human development, 
gerontology, genetics/genomics, technologies and measurement,  science of 
aesthetics, behavioral and communication sciences, motor learning, occupational 
and phy sical therapy, and biomedical engineering.<br /><br />You are welcome 
to participate, and if you wish to you can submit abstract for a symposium, an 
ora l presentation, a workshop or a poster.<br /><br />Abstracts of the 
conference will be published in the Conference Proceedings as well as selected 
papers published in volume 8 of the journal Functional Neurology, 
Rehabilitation, and Ergonomics.<br /><br />We welcome your participation in 
this event that addresses the relationship between movement and cognition and I 
personally welcome your enquiries nd suggestions. In the meantime, please check 
out our website for more details.<br /><br />Should you have 
any questions, please feel free to connect with me at:   <br /><br />Should you have questions about  
the technical aspects of the conference or registration, please  contact  the 
conference organizers at:<br /><br />We hope to meet you 
at Harvard in July 2018.<br /><br />Wish very best wishes,<br /><br /> <br 
/><br />Gerry Leisman                                                           
          León Morales-Quezada<br /><br />Chair, Scientific Committee           
                                Co-Chair, Scientific Committee<br /><br 
/>Movement - 2018                                                      
MOVEMENT-2018<br /><br />Professor, Neuro- and Rehabilitation Sciences          
         Assoc. Director Neuromodulation Center<br /><br />University of Haifa 
School of Health Sciences                   Spaulding Rehabilitation 
Hospital<br /><br />Director, The National Institute of Brain &                 
        Integrative Medicine Research Fellow<br /><br />Rehabilitation 
Sciences, Nazareth, Israel                          Beth Israel Deaconess 
Medical Center<br /><br />Profesor Neurológica Restaurativa                     
              Harvard University School of Medicine<br /><br />Universidad de 
Ciencias Medicas de la Habana, Cuba  <br /><br /><br 
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