My bot needs to be able to run as either of two different accounts depending on 
the task.  DYKToolsBot for most things, DYKToolsAdminBot for specific tasks 
that need admin rights.  How do I do this?

I'm not using the driver layer; I've got my own top-level driver code 
and just import pywikibot as a library.

I thinking maybe I want to use PYWIKIBOT_NO_USER_CONFIG=2 and ignore the stuff completely, but it's not clear how I pass the config into 
the library.  Family and mylang are easy; I just pass those directly to 
pywikibot.Site().  But It's not clear what to do with username and the OAuth 
credentials that are currently in authenticate[].  Do I just create a 
login.OauthLoginManager and call login() on that?
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