
On 3/28/23 14:07, Roy Smith wrote:
Hmmm.  What I'm doing requires Page.expand_text(), which looks like it does a Page.get() followed by a Site.expand_text(), and it's the later which actually takes most of the time.  That becomes an action=expandtemplates API call <https://www.mediawiki.org/w/api.php?action=help&modules=expandtemplates>, which I don't see any way to batch.

Naively you can batch action=expandtemplates by putting unique markers in between each fragment of wikitext if you know the template will emit balanced wikitext (this part is key).

For example:


Then split the response on your marker and sync up with your list of pages :)

I suppose it's also worth asking what you're using expand_text() for in the first place, to see if there's a better way to do whatever it is you want to :)

For real concurrency I'll refer you to the blog post I wrote last year about this: <https://blog.legoktm.com/2022/01/21/building-fast-wikipedia-bots-in-rust.html>. Yes it's about Rust, but the same concepts can easily be replicated in Python.

-- Kunal / Legoktm
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