On Wed, 2016-12-07 at 08:52 -0700, Tim Flink wrote:
> As support for the Persona system has winded down, we finally have a
> new method for logging into our phabricator instance (that should
> also get rid of all those 500s on login).
> My goal has been to set up the migration so that there's no account
> fiddling needed to use the new auth system. Things are working in my
> testing but I'd like to see more people test out the new auth method
> before deploying all of this to production.
> If you have the time, please try logging in to
> https://phab.qa.stg.fedoraproject.org/
> I've seen some errors from ipsilon about "Transaction expired, or
> cookies not available", click on "Try to login again" and everything
> should work.
> If you run into problems, please let me know. There are a few accounts
> which will need tweaking by hand (phabricator username doesn't match
> FAS username so my script didn't work) but I wanted to make sure this
> was working for more than just me before finishing things up.
> Tim

For a start Ipsilon tells me it's some entirely foreign third-party
domain - 'monikra.me' - that wants access to all my personal
information, which is a bit unsettling. I went ahead and let it have it
(For Science!) and got:

Unhandled Exception ("HTTPFutureHTTPResponseStatus")
<!DOCTYPE html>
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  <title>Error 400 (Bad Request)!!1</title>
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body{background:url(//www.google.com/images/errors/robot.png) 100% 5px
no-repeat;padding-right:205px}p{margin:11px 0 22px;overf...
Adam Williamson
Fedora QA Community Monkey
IRC: adamw | Twitter: AdamW_Fedora | XMPP: adamw AT happyassassin . net
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