Additional information: I was more than a bit sleepy when I wrote this, and I forgot to include the log messages that might be germane to helping out here:

12-04 02:06:14 tcpserver: status: 1/40
12-04 02:06:14 tcpserver: pid 13647 from <user ip>
12-04 02:06:14 tcpserver: ok 13647 <server fqdn>:<server ip> :<user ip>::36435
12-04 02:06:14 DEBUG: Connection, ip=[<user ip>]
12-04 02:06:14 INFO: LOGIN FAILED, user=<user>@<domain>, ip=[<user ip>]
12-04 02:06:20 DEBUG: Disconnected, ip=[<user ip>], time=6
12-04 02:06:20 tcpserver: end 13647 status 0
12-04 02:06:20 tcpserver: status: 0/40

On Dec 4, 2010, at 02:27 AM, Roxanne Sandesara wrote:

The short version is that the hardware upon which my previous Toaster had been running went up in smoke. I am in the process of restoring things to (hopefully) working order on new hardware. The one big benefit of this for me was getting to upgrade to CentOS 5 from what had been a FC8 previously, and includes the updates to clamav, etc. The downside has been the grief and stress trying to get this done, naturally.

The installation went smoothly (yay). However, I am having a few challenges getting things to fully working order. The one currently sticking in my craw is that I cannot seem to log into any of the accounts. They are all coming back as password mismatch failures in the logs. But I have checked the passwords in the database, and they /are/ being entered correctly.

My questions would be these:
1) Has there been any change in the layout of the mysql database records for vpopmail in the last year or so? 2) Can anyone think of any reason why logins would be failing to properly read the passwords from the database?

Any help or advice would be appreciated.

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