On 23 Feb 2024, at 9:10, Gary Bowling wrote:

<IfModule prefork.c> LoadModule php5\_module modules/libphp5.so </IfModule>

On my Rocky 9 box, this file does not exist and I cannot find that it is even suppose to exist. But I'm not sure how php is suppose to work on Apache without it.

Hi Gary,

Glad you worked it out, but just in case you're curious, the reason you can't find a `libphp5.so` or `libphp8.so` file is because with PHP 7 and 8 the preferred way to execute php scripts is via PHP-FPM, and most distros will install PHP this way by default. PHP-FPM has much better performance and security, and most PHP apps will run fine without modification. The apache configuration to use PHP-FPM is somewhat different, as you discovered.


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