
On Thu, 2007-12-27 at 10:46 +0530, Chandrasekhar A wrote:
> Hi All, 
>     I got a problem with setModal(true) function in
> qx.ui.window.Window object.
> When setModal(true) is given to one window other components should not
> be accessible.
> But it is working correctly, if the browser doesn’t have scrollbars.
> If the browser is enabled with scrollbars by setting ApplicationLayout
> as false, other components are accessible even if the Modal property
> has been set as True.
> I tried the latest legacy branch code but still see this issue.

Have you figured out a fix for this? I am running into a similar problem
(or so it seems). My modal Windows work as expected for a while (that
is, everything else is not accessible) but suddenly it stop workings (it
seems as if magically setModal(false) was called.. and I am sure my code
doesn't have that  call!).

My difference with your case is that I don't have scroll-bars enabled in
my app so I think it might be something else..

This is against 0.7.3.


     Raúl Gutierrez S.
 Investigación y Desarrollo
   Taller de Ideas S.A. 

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