Não esqueça de instalar o epiR

install.packages("epiR",dep=T) Edson Lira

     Em Terça-feira, 6 de Janeiro de 2015 7:22, Edson Lira 
<edinhoes...@yahoo.com.br> escreveu:

Veja se é isso o que você precisa.

## Kidney samples from 291 salmon were split with one half of the 
## samples sent to each of two laboratories where an IFAT test 
## was run on each sample. The following results were obtained:

## Lab 1 positive, lab 2 positive: 19
## Lab 1 positive, lab 2 negative: 10
## Lab 1 negative, lab 2 positive: 6
## Lab 1 negative, lab 2 negative: 256

dat <- as.table(matrix(c(19,10,6,256), nrow = 2, byrow = TRUE))
colnames(dat) <- c("L1-pos","L1-neg")
rownames(dat) <- c("L2-pos","L2-neg")

epi.kappa(dat, method = "fleiss", alternative = "greater", conf.level = 0.95)

## The z test statistic is 11.53 (P < 0.01). We accept the alternative
## hypothesis that the kappa statistic is greater than zero.

## The proportion of agreements after chance has been excluded is 
## 0.67 (95% CI 0.56 to 0.79). We conclude that, on the basis of 
## this sample, that there is substantial agreement between the two
## laboratories.

## EXAMPLE 2 (from Watson and Petrie 2010, page 1170):
## Silva et al. (2007) compared an early pregnancy enzyme-linked immunosorbent
## assay test for pregnancy associated glycoprotein on blood samples collected 
## from lactating dairy cows at day 27 after artificial insemination with 
## transrectal ultrasound (US) diagnosis of pregnancy at the same stage. 
## The results were as follows:

## ELISA positive, US positive: 596
## ELISA positive, US negative: 61
## ELISA negative, US positive: 29
## ELISA negative, Ul negative: 987

dat <- as.table(matrix(c(596,61,29,987), nrow = 2, byrow = TRUE))
colnames(dat) <- c("US-pos","US-neg")
rownames(dat) <- c("ELISA-pos","ELISA-neg")

epi.kappa(dat, method = "watson", alternative = "greater", conf.level = 0.95)

## The proportion of agreements after chance has been excluded is 
## 0.89 (95% CI 0.86 to 0.91). We conclude that that there is substantial 
## agreement between the two pregnancy diagnostic methods.

[  ]'s
Edson Lira

     Em Terça-feira, 6 de Janeiro de 2015 6:20, Leonard Assis 
<assis.leon...@gmail.com> escreveu:

 Acredito que para seu problema, correlação ajude pouco. Ideal seria 
Procure sobre agreement coefficient no r searchEm 05/01/2015 16:57, "Gustavo 
Faria" <gustavo...@gmail.com> escreveu:

Boa tarde, estou com dificuldade (iniciantes ¬¬ hehe) em fazer uma correlação 
com dados qualitativos, meus dados são 3 metodologias de identificação de 
organismos, e eu gostaria de saber o quão parecido e/ou divergente eles foram 
nas identificações realizadas, como poderia montar essa matriz? ja que tenho 
somente as identificações realizadas pelas 3 metodologias....

Gustavo de Faria Silva
Biólogo herpetólogo Crbio 87421/04-P
Pós-Graduado em Consultoria e Licenciamento Ambiental
Mestrando em Zoologia de Vertebrados 
Telefone: (31) 9579-8473 (Vivo)

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