
I have now spent some time looking at whether this is possible with one repository. The _easy_ part is getting the selection list to display more information. Right now, the code that determines what is displayed is inside a function called "explode_bundles" that is defined internally to the "install.packages" function. In its entirety, here is that function:

    explode_bundles <- function(a) {
        contains <- .find_bundles(a, FALSE)
        extras <- unlist(lapply(names(contains), function(x)
            paste(contains[[x]], " (", x, ")", sep = "")))
        sort(as.vector(c(a[, 1], extras)))

This is only called once, with the argument "a" begin the results of a call to "available.packages". If you simply change this function to something like

    explode_bundles <- function(a) {
        contains <- .find_bundles(a, FALSE)
        extras <- unlist(lapply(names(contains), function(x)
            paste(contains[[x]], " (", x, ")", sep = "")))
        sort(as.vector(c(paste(a[, 1], a[, 2], sep=", "), extras)))

then packages will be listed in the selection list followed by their version numbers. (I don't know what this does to bundles, since my packages don't have any bundles for me to check the behavior.)

Making this change, however, will break the routine "utils:::.install.winbinary" (as well as the analogs on other platforms) which currently assumes that there is only one version of each package, and (even if there is more than one) always seems to install the newest one. But, in principle, the version number could be parsed back out of the pasted-together displayed names and used to tell these routines to install the actual version you want.

In the meantime, I'll bite the bullet and set up a second testing repository.


Gabor Grothendieck wrote:
Perhaps it would be sufficient as a first step to just display the version
that will be downloaded.  That would still only let you pick one but at
least you would know which one.

On Mon, Dec 15, 2008 at 11:43 AM, Duncan Murdoch <murd...@stats.uwo.ca> wrote:
On 12/15/2008 10:58 AM, Kevin R. Coombes wrote:
I knew that (but forgot to include it in my statement of the question).
 Thanks for pointing it out.

Is there any way to convince the selection box (or its developers) to
include the version information that is already available?
The selection box is adamant that it will only display one thing.

The developers would like to have a grid display component, and then would
be happy to display more information about each package, but are unlikely to
write one, due to competing priorities.  If you wanted to contribute one...

Duncan Murdoch


Duncan Murdoch wrote:
On 12/15/2008 10:31 AM, Kevin R. Coombes wrote:

Terry Therneau's question about package development reminded me of a
different issue. I maintain several packages along with a repository for
them at "http://bioinformatics.mdanderson.org/OOMPA/";. Several people are
working on adding features or testing the packages. So, I often want to have
both the latest official release and the currently testable build of the
package available in the repository. I tried putting both versions in the
same repository, but this leads to a problem for some of the testers, who
are not familiar with the intricacies of building packages. (Thus, I cannot
just tell them to get the source tarball and compile it; they will have no
clue as to what I am talking about. And their Windows machines will not have
the required tools installed in any event.)

The underlying problem is that when you run the command
 >  install.packages(repos="http://bioinformatics.mdanderson.org/OOMPA";)
inside the R Windows GUI, the selection box that appears only lists the
name of the package, _not_ the version number. Thus, the testers cannot tell
which of two packages with the same name should be installed.

Is there any way around this problem other than to maintain two
different repositories?
available.packages() reports version numbers, e.g.


You'll need to write a user interface to make use of this.

Duncan Murdoch
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