{Hijacking the thread from from R-help to R-devel -- as I am
 consciously shifting the focus away from the original question

>>>>> David Winsemius <dwinsem...@comcast.net>
>>>>>     on Tue, 10 Aug 2010 08:42:12 -0400 writes:

    > On Aug 9, 2010, at 2:45 PM, Theo Tannen wrote:

    >> Are integers strictly a signed 32 bit number on R even if
    >> I am running a 64 bit version of R on a x86_64 bit
    >> machine?
    >> I ask because I have integers stored in a hdf5 file where
    >> some of the data is 64 bit integers. When I read that
    >> into R using the hdf5 library it seems any integer
    >> greater than 2**31 returns NA.

    > That's the limit. It's hard coded and not affected by the
    > memory pointer size.

    >> Any solutions?

    > I have heard of packages that handle "big numbers". A bit
    > of searching produces suggestions to look at gmp on CRAN
    > and Rmpfr on R-Forge.

Note that Rmpfr has been on CRAN, too, for a while now.
If you only need large integers (and rationals), 'gmp' is enough

*However* note that the gmp or Rmpfr (or any other arbitray
precision) implementation will be considerably slower in usage
than if there was native 64-bit integer support.

Introducing 64-bit integers natively into "base R" is an
"interesting" project, notably if we also allowed using them for
indices, and changed the internal structures to use them instead
of 32-bit.
This would allow to free ourselves from the increasingly
relevant  maximum-atomic-object-length = 2^31 problem.
The latter is something we have planned to address, possibly for
R 3.0.
However, for that, using 64-bit integers is just one
possibility, another being to use "double precision integers".
Personally, I'd prefer the "long long" (64-bit) integers quite
a bit, but there are other considerations, e.g.,
one big challenge will be to go there in a way such that not
all R packages using compiled code will have to be patched
another aspect is how the BLAS / Lapack team will address the

Martin Maechler, ETH Zurich

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