
On 17/12/2010 2:17 a.m., Ben Bolker wrote:
On 10-12-16 12:09 AM, Jari Oksanen wrote:
On 16/12/10 04:24 AM, "Paul Murrell"<p.murr...@auckland.ac.nz>  wrote:


According to the PostScript Language Reference Manual and the PDF
Reference, in both PDF and PostScript ...

... a line width of zero is valid, but not recommended (and is clearly
not supported by some viewers).

... a line dash pattern cannot be specified as all zero lengths.
(So, because R generates the line dash pattern proportional to the line
width, a specification of lwd=0 and
lty=anything-other-than-"solid"-or-"none" does not make sense.)

I think three fixes are required:

(i)  Enforce a minimum line width of 0.01 (mainly because that is not
zero, but also because that is the smallest value greater than zero when
you round to 2dp like the PDF and PostScript devices do and it's still
REALLY thin).

(ii) If the line dash pattern ends up as all zeroes (to 2dp), because
the line width is so small (thin), force the dash pattern to "solid"

(iii) plot.TukeyHSD() should not use lwd=0  (0.5 is plenty difference to
be obviously "lighter" than the main plot lines)

I will commit these unless there are better suggestions or bitter


The difference between working previous (of R 2.11.1) and failing
current-still-yesterday (R 2.12.1 RC) was:

$ diff -U2 oldtukeyplot.ps /Volumes/TIKKU/tukeyplot.ps
--- oldtukeyplot.ps    2010-12-14 12:06:07.000000000 +0200
+++ /Volumes/TIKKU/tukeyplot.ps    2010-12-14 12:13:32.000000000 +0200
@@ -172,5 +172,5 @@
  0 setgray
  0.00 setlinewidth
-[ 3.00 5.00] 0 setdash
+[ 0.00 0.00] 0 setdash
  660.06 91.44 m

So 0.00 setlinewidth worked, but [0.00 0.00] 0 setdash failed. Assuming
PostScript is anything like English, it is the all-zero dash that caused the

Thanks Jari. Since the PDF and PostScript references recommend NOT using 0 line width I think it is still worthwhile enforcing a lower limit.

Cheers, Jari Oksanen

   Yes; I think Paul's fix #2 does this, and fixes #1 and #3 are trying
to avoid problems in the future ...

Thanks for your help with this Ben and for the documentation suggestions. The fixes have now been committed to the development version.


     Ben Bolker

Dr Paul Murrell
Department of Statistics
The University of Auckland
Private Bag 92019
New Zealand
64 9 3737599 x85392

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