On Fri, 23 Sep 2011, Martin Maechler wrote:

William Dunlap <wdun...@tibco.com>
    on Fri, 23 Sep 2011 15:49:43 +0000 writes:

   > dir(all=TRUE) returns the file names "." and ".."  while
   > dir(recursive=TRUE, all=TRUE, include.dirs=TRUE) does not.
   > I always filter out the "." and ".." entries and was
   > wondering if anyone would mind if dir(all=TRUE) just
   > omitted them?  It might make recursive file operations
   > like cleaning out a directory safer, as
   > unlink(recursive=TRUE, dir(all=TRUE, "dirToClean")) might
   > start attacking dirToClean/.., then dirToClean/../..,
   > etc., until your disk is empty.


Thank you, Bill.
I agree that there is a problem.  It seems wrong to me that

  dir(all.files=TRUE, recursive=TRUE, include.dirs=TRUE)

*omits* the (symbolic) directories  '.' and '..'  when simple


includes them.

It was intentional. The authors of that part wanted it that way, the original author of list.files (aka dir) wanted this the way it was before include.dirs was added.

However, from a strict description (of the argument names, and
also the help file) I would have expected that both would *include*
rather than omit them.
But then --the scenario abov, and also more general
reasoning -- would rather suggest to follow your proposal.

Someone would need to check for back-compatibility though: list.files() has been around for a long time.

There are lots of odder things about list.files(), for example that it lists directories with recursive=FALSE and not with recursive=TRUE. So is a directory a file or not?


   >> dir.create(tdir <- tempfile("tdir"))
   >> file.create(file.path(tdir, c(".dotFile", "noDotFile")))
   >   [1] TRUE TRUE
   >> dir.create(file.path(tdir, ".dotDir"))
   >> file.create(file.path(tdir, ".dotDir",
   >> c("noDotFileInDotDir", ".dotFileInDotDir")))
   >   [1] TRUE TRUE
   >> dir(tdir, all=TRUE) # omit "." and ".." here?
   >   [1] "."  ".."  ".dotDir" ".dotFile" [5] "noDotFile"
   >> dir(tdir, all=TRUE, recursive=TRUE, include.dirs=TRUE)
   >   [1] ".dotDir" ".dotDir/.dotFileInDotDir" [3]
   > ".dotDir/noDotFileInDotDir" ".dotFile" [5] "noDotFile"

   > Bill Dunlap Spotfire, TIBCO Software wdunlap tibco.com

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