On 23 September 2011 at 18:03, Ben Bolker wrote:
|   Just to save someone else a few seconds of googling: when you try to R
| CMD check with recent versions of R-devel and you get
| * checking PDF version of manual ... WARNING
| LaTeX errors when creating PDF version.
| This typically indicates Rd problems.
| LaTeX errors found:
| ! LaTeX Error: File `inconsolata.sty' not found.
|  the Debian/Ubuntu solution is:
| sudo apt-get install texlive-fonts-extra

Odd.  I just built the R 2.13.2 release candidate this morning.  My
Build-Depends list is 

   Build-Depends: gcc (>= 4:4.1.0), g++ (>= 4:4.1.0), gfortran (>= 4:4.1.0),
     libblas-dev, liblapack-dev (>= 3.1.1), tcl8.5-dev, tk8.5-dev, bison,
     groff-base, libncurses5-dev, libreadline-dev, debhelper (>= 7.2.3),
     texi2html, texinfo (>= 4.1-2), libbz2-dev, liblzma-dev, libpcre3-dev,
     xdg-utils, zlib1g-dev, libpng12-dev, libjpeg-dev, libx11-dev, libxt-dev,
     x11proto-core-dev, libpango1.0-dev, libcairo2-dev, libtiff4-dev, xvfb,
     xauth, xfonts-base, texlive-base, texlive-latex-base,
     texlive-generic-recommended, texlive-fonts-recommended,
     texlive-extra-utils, texlive-latex-recommended, texlive-latex-extra,
     texinfo, texi2html, openjdk-6-jdk [!arm !hppa !kfreebsd-i386
     !kfreebsd-amd64 !hurd-i386 !mips] 

which has texlive-fonts-recommended but t-f-extra as you suggest. Seems not
to have any side effects:

edd@max:~$ wc -l src/debian/build-logs/r-base_2.13.2~20110922-1.log 
17147 src/debian/build-logs/r-base_2.13.2~20110922-1.log

So is there a safe fallback or not?  Should I install texlive-fonts-extra too
when building?


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