Hi Juan,

For bug reports to R, you should attempt to create a
minimally-reproducible example, using only R's builtin facilities and
not any other addon packages. Given your report, it's not clear
whether the issue lies within renv or truly is caused by a change in R

Also note that you have not supplied a minimally reproducible example.
If at all possible, you should be able to supply some code that
reproduces the issue -- ideally, one should be able to just copy +
paste the code into an R session to see the issue arise. Presumably,
if the issue is indeed in base R, then you should be able to supply a
reproducible example of the form:

    path <- "path/that/causes/issue"

Alternatively, if you can distill this into a minimally-reproducible
example that does require renv, then you should report that to the
maintainer of renv (me), not this mailing list.


On Wed, Jun 10, 2020 at 4:55 AM Dirk Eddelbuettel <e...@debian.org> wrote:
> On 10 June 2020 at 13:06, Juan Telleria Ruiz de Aguirre wrote:
> | I am having an issue with the renv package and R 4.0.1, which I
> | suspect is related to base R and not the renv package itself, as with
> | R 3.6.3 such an "error" does not appear.
> So a bug in `renv` as it does not account for changes in R 4.0.0 ?
> Stuff happens. I just fixed an 'change in R 4.0.0' for one small aspect of
> Rcpp(Armadillo) (namely the change in package.skeleton() and NAMESPACE).
> Dirk
> --
> http://dirk.eddelbuettel.com | @eddelbuettel | e...@debian.org
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