>>>>> Dirk Eddelbuettel 
>>>>>     on Mon, 22 Mar 2021 22:23:47 -0500 writes:

    > On 22 March 2021 at 16:57, Dirk Eddelbuettel wrote:
    > | 
    > | On 23 March 2021 at 00:01, Ivan Krylov wrote:
    > | | The surrounding code and
    > | | 
    > | | proved to be enough of an example. The following patch makes it
    > | | possible to group x11() windows on my PC with Xfce running:
    > | 
    > | [...]
    > | 
    > | | Some very limited testing didn't seem to uncover any problems.
    > | 
    > | Woot woot -- works here too under Ubuntu 20.10 / Gnome / Unity.
    > | 
    > | I applied the adorably small patch to the usual checkout I keep of 
    > | (as an incremental build is faster than a full package build of 
    > | 
    > | You are my hero. Next round of hot or cold beverages is on me. Already 
    > | so much better. I may put this into the next 4.0.5 (or 4.1.0 at the 
    > | for Debian and Ubuntu (but will instrument a proper new r-base package 
    > | hit it for a few days first).

    > Close, close, close but no cigar yet: For a given R process, x11() windows
    > group for a that process. But we often run multiple R processes.  Have you
    > seen anything for grouping under the "program" (in some sense) but not the
    > concrete process from it?

Hmm.. while I've been very happy with your (DE) original proposal and
the thread (with Ivan's nice small patch), I'm not sure I'd agree here.

Yes, you and I and a few handful more of people on the globe run
more than one *interactive* R process simultaneously.  But even
there, e.g., when I run  R-patched and R-devel, I'd sometimes rather keep
the two processes "separated", including their graphics windows,
because one important side condition of the workflow is to be
careful in comparing the two R versions.

And R is not firefox (where I really typically only want one
firefox running, already being a crazy process generator and
sometimes memory hog). 
The two (or more) different R processes are entirely autonomous
(in > 99.5% of cases), and I would rather have the current
proposal than a possibly quite a bit more complicated one which
I personally often would not even prefer...

With many thanks to Dirk, Naras, Ivan and Duncan for dealing
with the issue so nicely,


    > ( If someone wants to play, Ubuntu binaries for groovy == 20.10 are at
https://launchpad.net/~edd/+archive/ubuntu/misc/?field.series_filter=groovy )

    > Dirk

    > -- 
    > https://dirk.eddelbuettel.com | @eddelbuettel | e...@debian.org

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