
It seems likely, without having looked myself, that you could be correct
about the issue, but it does seem worth noting that both of the functions
you have mentioned are not exported, and thus not part of the API that
extension packages are allowed to use and rely on.

If retrieving the list of "internal S3 generics" is something package and
user code is allowed to do, the real fix seems to go beyond what you're
suggesting, to actually providing an API entry point that gives the
relevant information (maybe in an identical form to how those internal
functions do so, maybe not). If it's not, for some principled reason,
something R-core wants to support package and user code doing, then the
fact that the new thing doesn't work automatically with roxygen2 would
become the roxygen maintainers' job to fix or document.

I do not know whether R-core feels this is something packages/users should
be able to do; both decisions strike me as possible, to be honest,
depending on details I don't know and/or am not privy to.


On Fri, Apr 28, 2023 at 1:49 PM Karolis Koncevičius <
karolis.koncevic...@gmail.com> wrote:

> This issue might go deeper - I was not successful in passing R CMD checks
> for the usage files. R CMD check kept showing errors for `@` declarations,
> even thou they were identical to `$` declarations (which passed fine).
> Seems like the usage check functions are not prepared for `@` - also in
> tools:::.S3_method_markup_regexp
> > On Apr 28, 2023, at 10:34 PM, Karolis Koncevičius <
> karolis.koncevic...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > I was building a package that uses the new generic @ and kept having
> errors with “roxygen2” documentation. “roxygen2” generated NAMESPACE added
> `@.newclass` as a newly exported function, not as a S3method.
> >
> > At first I thought this must be a bug in roxygen2 and they lag behind
> the new developments in R. But after some investigation I found that
> “roxygen2” is using tools:::.get_internal_S3_generis() to decide if the
> method should be exported as S3method or not. For some reason “@<-“ is
> listed in there, but “@“ is not.
> >
> > Am I missing some context, or is this an oversight?
> >
> > Kind regards,
> > Karolis Koncevicius
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