You also could use RExcel and write some VBA macros doing this task for you.
You can essentially have the rcom R-centric solution or the
VBA-centric RExcel solution.

On Jul 14, 2010, at 12:19 AM, Marc Schwartz wrote:

> If I am correctly understanding what Eugen is trying to do, WriteXLS() won't 
> get him there. WriteXLS() will enable you to label/name the worksheets (tabs) 
> but not allow you to precede the actual data frame rows and columns on the 
> sheet with a title or label.
> I suspect that you may have to look at the RCom package tools for this. This 
> provides greater flexibility in writing to the worksheets and cells. 
> See for more information.
> HTH,
> Marc Schwartz
> On Jul 13, 2010, at 4:09 PM, Felipe Carrillo wrote:
>> Check the WriteXLS package, I think it does that and also saves
>> each R object on a different excel sheet.
>> Felipe D. Carrillo
>> Supervisory Fishery Biologist
>> Department of the Interior
>> US Fish & Wildlife Service
>> California, USA
>> ----- Original Message ----
>>> From: eugen pircalabelu <>
>>> To: R-help <>
>>> Sent: Tue, July 13, 2010 1:21:33 PM
>>> Subject: [R] export tables to excel files on multiple sheets with titles 
>>> for 
>>> each table
>>> Hello R-users,
>>> Checking the archives, I recently came across this topic: 
>>> "export tables to Excel files" 
>>> (,
>>> ,
>>> and the following interesting references have been proposed:
>>> but my problem is somehow a small extension to what has been discussed, and 
>>> although i have a solution, i seek something more elegant. I want to export 
>>> multiple dataframes (on multiple sheets), but i also want each of them to 
>>> have 
>>> its own title that is to be written also in Excel. The packages/functions 
>>> that 
>>> i 
>>> have checked, cannot accommodate a title that is to be written on the 
>>> sheet, 
>>> along with the actual dataframe of interest.
>>> I can do something similar to what i need, but without writing the 
>>> dataframes 
>>> on 
>>> multiple sheets.
>>> #head(USArrests) and head(iris) written with accompanying title one under 
>>> each 
>>> other 
>>> write.excel<-function (tab, ...){
>>> zz <- file("example.dat", "a+b") 
>>> cat("\"TITLE extra line",file = zz, sep = "\n")
>>> write.table(tab, file=zz, row.names=F,sep="\t")
>>> close(zz)}
>>> write.excel(head(USArrests))
>>> write.excel(head(iris))
>>> Any suggestion on how to export the same information on two separate 
>>> sheets, 
>>> and 
>>> keeping also a title for each of them, is highly appreciated, as i have 
>>> been 
>>> searching for some time for a good solution.
>>> Thank you very much and have a great day ahead!
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