Dear developers,
I have jutst started working with caret and all the nice features it offers. 
But I just encountered a problem:
I am working with a dataset that include 4 predictor variables in Descr and a 
two-category outcome in Categ (codified as a factor).
Everything was working fine I got the results, confussion matrix etc.
BUT for obtaining the AUC and predicted probabilities I had to add " classProbs 
= TRUE," in the trainControl. Thereafter everytime I run train I get this 
"undefined columns selected"

I copy the syntax:
fitControl <- trainControl(method = "cv", number = 10, classProbs = 
TRUE,returnResamp = "all", verboseIter = FALSE)
glmFit <- train(Descr, Categ, method = "glmStepAIC",tuneLength = 4,trControl = 
Thank you.
Best regards,

Jon Toledo, MD

Postdoctoral fellow
University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine
Center for Neurodegenerative Disease Research
3600 Spruce Street
3rd Floor Maloney Building
Philadelphia, Pa 19104
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